
Quote1 Since my fate is my own, I want to lay it all on the line. Quote2
— 希斯特莉亞·雷斯, on her one condition for becoming Queen


劇情大要[ | ]

羅德·雷斯 transforms into a 巨人 so large that当它试图站立时,它开始摧毁 地下教堂 . 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 拒绝放弃 艾連·葉卡 并逃到安全地带,里維班 及时赶到帮助解救他。然而,巨人的体积和发出的热量是如此之大,以至于逃跑看起来几乎是不可能的。 艾伦陷入绝望,但他的朋友们拒绝放弃, 这让他抓住机会使用了一个他在地上发现的标有“盔甲”的瓶子。摄取其中的内容 his Titan 使用一种新的硬化能力,以稳定他朋友周围的洞穴,以便他们能够生存。

Squad Levi meets up with 艾爾文·史密斯 and the rest of the 調查兵團 outside. Rod's Titan is twice the size of the Colossal Titan and they cannot fight it conventionally. They rush to Orvud District where they will make a stand. While there, 里維·阿卡曼 informs Historia that she is to become Queen after this to ensure the success of their coup d'état. She agrees, under one condition.

摘要[ | ]

Caven notices the light from Rod's Titan

Caven notices the light from Rod's Titan

The Scouts pursue the Anti-Personnel Control Squad through the Underground Chapel only to encounter the net the Interior Police had dropped during their retreat. On the other side, the Anti-Personnel Squad prepares for their last stand. However, the bright light from a 巨人 transformation shines from the back of the cavern, drawing the attention of Scout and MP alike.

Rod Reiss's transformation in a gargantuan Titan begins to cause the cavern to collapse. It is so large that there is not enough room for it to stand. 里維·阿卡曼 orders 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特 and 莫布里特·柏納 to take the wounded 漢吉·佐耶 to safety. Further inside the cavern, the partially restrained 艾連·葉卡 urges 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 to escape and let her father eat him. Since Rod is part of the royal family, the 始祖巨人 will go back where it belongs. But Historia refuses to leave him, saying that she cannot accept someone saying that they are not needed when that is not true. No matter who or where that person is, she wants to rescue them.

Squad Levi works to free Eren

Squad Levi works to free Eren

She manages to open the locks around Eren's ankles, but is blown back by a blast of hot air from her father's Titan. 米卡莎·阿卡曼 manages to catch her before she slams in the wall behind her, and shortly after the rest of 里維班 arrives. Levi asks for the keys, and he, 約翰·基爾休坦 and 柯尼·史普林格 work to free Eren. Eren protests that they should leave him, but Jean tells him to shut up. They pull Eren free as part of the ceiling collapses and lands on the platform where Eren was chained just a moment before.

Kenny swings away from the rising Titan, 意识到尽管罗德自吹自擂,但他对泰坦的了解并不比其他任何人多。 Caven 向他喊了一声,肯尼惊恐地意识到他的小队已经深入洞穴了。他大喊着让他们离开这里。

Squad Levi finds themselves pressed back against the cavern walls with no clear way out. 艾伦震惊地盯着罗德的泰坦,认为它应该吃掉他。He wonders if he should transform but realizes that his Titan could not survive the cavern's collapse. 艾伦向所有人道歉,称自己没用。 Jean does not accept it though, pointing out that Eren has never accomplished anything by himself. 康尼插话,提醒他他们共同经历了更糟的事情。

Eren breaks the bottle between his teeth

Eren breaks the bottle between his teeth

The group plans their escape using omni-directional mobility gear and carrying both Eren and Historia. Eren does not think it is possible, but Historia refuses to do nothing. Levi grudgingly tells Eren that he needs to make a choice, reminding him of the choice he had made previously on whether to trust the original Squad Levi when the Female Titan pursued them. Chagrined, Eren grabs a bottle labeled "Armor" on the ground and charges at Rod's Titan. He breaks it between his teeth as he hopes he is allowed to believe in himself.

当他变形时,他的泰坦周围的地面上会升起水晶柱,加强周围洞穴的结构完整性。利维命令他的小队从艾伦的脚下钻过去。 The Anti-Personnel Control Squad 就没那么幸运了。特勞特・卡芬被碎片击倒,另一名士兵也是如此。罗德的泰坦终于站了起来,打开了它上面的天花板。

Moblit, Hange, and Armin get clear of the chapel

Moblit, Hange, and Armin get clear of the chapel

外面,Armin 和 Moblit 带着 Hange 匆匆离开,因为他们周围的地面塌陷,地面小教堂沉入地下。The rest of the 調查兵團, led by 艾爾文·史密斯, arrive in time to see the mammoth Titan crawl out of the ground and drag itself away on all fours. They estimate it is twice the size of the Colossal Titan.

在洞穴内,让和三笠将艾伦从他的泰坦中解救出来,泰坦已经完全变成了水晶。获释后,他震惊地看着他的泰坦残骸,列维称这种效果为“硬化”。即使在将艾伦斩杀之后,, his Titan has not gone away. 艾連·葉卡 credits the bottle for the effect,但 Levi 指出是 Eren 设计了通过稳定洞穴来拯救他们的方法。里維·阿卡曼怀疑墙壁最初也是这样制作的。有了这个,他们现在可以堵住玛丽亚墙上的洞了。

Rod's Titan crawls towards Orvud


Conny and 莎夏·布勞斯 descend through a hole in the ceiling to announce they have secured an exit route. Armin and Mobit help everyone out of the hole and 艾連·葉卡 sees the destruction caused by Rod's Titan for the first time. It leaves a trail of scorched earth in its wake.

One of the Scouts with Erwin reports that the Titan is behaving like an Abnormal and they are not able to get close to it. Another announces that they have made contact with Squad Levi and they have succeeded in rescuing 艾連·葉卡 and 希斯特莉亞·雷斯. Levi informs Erwin that Hange is their own casualty. She is lying in a wagon, bleeding, but conscious. He also lets Erwin know that the Titan is Rod Reiss. Erwin decides that they will head for Orvud District, since that is the Titan's likely destination.

在去往的路上,Hange 听了 Eren 和 希斯特莉亞·雷斯讲述洞穴中发生的事情以及充分使用创始泰坦的限制。 Hange 想知道这是否是 First Reiss King's 的和平理念。 艾連·葉卡 说他们仍然可以选择让Rod Reiss吃掉他并变回人类。 Levi 承认,如果他们这样做并在之后立即抓获罗德,他们可能有机会撤销第一任国王的洗脑。然而,希斯特莉亞提醒他们还有其他选择。

Historia voices another option

Historia discusses an alternative to letting Eren sacrifice himself

Now that the Founding Titan has been taken away from the 雷斯家 they have an unprecedented chance to change things for humanity. She believes that Eren's father was trying to save humanity, and took away the Founding Titan and murdered the Reiss family because he had no other choice. 艾連·葉卡 remembers that when his father injected him, he told him that he would have to learn to control his ability if he wanted to save everyone. Mikasa adds that there must be another way to save humanity, and that is why his father left him the key to the basement.

Hange 同意这个计划,但询问希斯特莉亞·雷斯 if she all right with what it means, because they will have to kill her father. 他们不能让这么大的泰坦自由游荡,也不能约束它。 希斯特莉亞想了想,然后向艾連道歉,说她确实考虑过成为泰坦并吃掉他,不是为了拯救人类,而是因为她想相信她的父亲。然而,现在她意识到是时候说再见了。

It is still the middle of the night when the Scouts arrive in Orvud. As they prepare for a strategy meeting, Levi informs 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 that under 艾爾文·史密斯's orders she is to become the new Queen. Though the coup d'état was successful, the general public will not follow the 軍團 so they need a story about how the true heir took power back from a fake. The rest of the squad protests, not wanting Historia forced into another role just after she has broken free of her father, but 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 agrees. She says that it is up to her to decide whether or not she was forced into this, and she will do it under one condition.

Historia geared for battle

Historia arrives geared for battle


一名 Garrison 士兵确认泰坦正从西南方向接近他们,并将在黎明前抵达。 Carsten艾爾文他的计划是什么,令他沮丧的是,艾爾文宣布他们不会疏散平民,他们必须留在原地。

可透露訊息[ | ]


Titan Hardening[ | ]

An ability used by the 盔甲巨人 and so forth, for a Titan to harden their body. 在躲藏期间,艾連·葉卡 进行了实验来复制这种能力,以堵住 Wall Maria. 然而,直到他在地下的尝试,他才第一次成功地做到了这一点。

依序登場角色[ | ]

  1. 里維·阿卡曼 (recap)
  2. 米卡莎·阿卡曼 (recap)
  3. 肯尼·阿卡曼 (recap)
  4. 漢吉·佐耶 (recap)
  5. 特勞特・卡芬 (recap)
  6. 羅德·雷斯 (recap)
  7. 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 (recap)
  8. 艾連·葉卡/Mysterious Titan (recap)
  9. 約翰·基爾休坦
  10. 莫布里特·柏納
  11. 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特
  12. 尤米爾 (回憶)
  13. 柯尼·史普林格
  14. 莎夏·布勞斯
  15. Gunther Schultz (回憶)
  16. Annie Leonhart/Female Titan (回憶)
  17. Eld Gin (回憶)
  18. 艾爾文·史密斯
  19. 古利夏·葉卡/Mysterious Titan (回憶)
  20. Rod's wife (回憶)
  21. 弗羅利安·雷斯 (回憶)
  22. 芙莉妲·雷斯/始祖巨人 (回憶)
  23. 艾貝爾·雷斯 (回憶)
  24. 烏爾庫林·雷斯 (回憶)
  25. 迪爾克·雷斯 (回憶)
  26. Carsten

導航[ | ]
