
Quote1 我们听从吉克·葉卡的命令射杀了我们的长官。 我们是義勇兵。我们的目标…是解放艾爾迪亞 . Quote2
— 伊雷娜歐良果彭漢吉·佐耶里維·阿卡曼




他向水晶里的亞妮·雷恩哈特讲述了他们如何埋葬死去的同志们,还提到 莎夏·布勞斯的死。他希望能选择一个更和平的选项,而不是一直诉诸战争;同时艾連·葉卡逐渐对他周围的死亡和暴力变得麻木,决心继续与帕拉迪岛的敌人作战直到最后的最后。


面对海岸,阿爾敏·亞魯雷特 向一位未知的倾听者讲述过去三年的事情。那时,一艘瑪雷侦察舰接近了帕拉迪島,准备登陆。船长决定通知瑪雷这座岛的情况,这时進擊的巨人突然出现在海面下举起了这艘船,并使它撞毁在海岸上。 漢吉·佐耶过分热情地向颤抖的船员们问好,邀请他们作为贵客登岛喝茶。这时,她和里維·阿卡曼带来了来自舰队先遣部队的尼柯洛,而尼柯洛祈求他的船长开枪杀死他们。

Yelena accepts Hange's invitation



As the members of the 調查軍團 look from afar, they wonder who the woman is and if they can trust them. Eren admits that they were lucky he was able to obstruct the ship from landing. Inside the tent, Hange is amazed by the weapons Yelena and Onyankopon have with them; they reply it is standard equipment for Marley soldiers and inform Hange and Levi they have roughly one million soldiers and three fleets containing twenty-one battleships. They both admit that Marley is capable to attack from the air as well; a shocked Hange asks why they have yet to come and destroy Paradis Island if they have this capability. Yelena responds that Marley has many enemies, and they considered Eldia to mainly stay contained by the 巨人s, expressing amazement when Levi makes an off-hand remark that the Eldians were able to kill all the Titans on the island. When Hange theorizes the two are spies who infiltrated Marley's military, Yelena admits they were forced in but were given a purpose by 吉克·葉卡 when he managed to show them hope.

At an assembly gathered between the heads of the military, Hange gives Zeke's demands in return for him helping the Eldians; sharing technology for weapons, start relations between Paradis Island and other warring nations fighting Marley, and provide support. When several members of the military object due to Zeke being their primary enemy for so long, Darius Zackly muses that they would not easily switch to peaceful talks after such a long time at war. However, 達特·皮克希斯 advises they listen to all the terms before ultimately deciding what to do.

Eren reveals the possibility of controlling the Colossus Titans


When Zeke's secret plan is mentioned (which involves Eren's possession of the 始祖巨人 and a Titan possessing royal blood), Eren admits that it is true and recalls his encounter with Dina Fritz Titan. When Levi asks why Eren has stayed silent about this, Eren admits it was for 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 safety due to being unreliable information at the time; despite Hange and Levi's disappointment in Eren's decision, Hange admits it does fall in line with Zeke's plan. 奈爾·德克 is still against it, with other members of the Military Police chiming in and calling for Yelena's death due to not being trustworthy; Hange insists they need her forces to help them. Later, as Yelena radios to Marley under the guise of needing help, numerous ships are sent to rescue them but are destroyed or captured by Eren or Armin's 超大型巨人.

As the two sides share advancements and train, Eren is at a shooting-range with both Armin and 米卡莎·阿卡曼; Armin states both sides are getting to know each other and the harbor will be completed soon, so they can travel across the ocean. Eren then asks Armin if he can see anything useful in 貝爾托特·胡佛 memories while reflecting that his half brother only has three years left to live. Armin says there is nothing of use he could see and sadly reflects that this course of action will result in more deaths and hoped there was a peaceful way to clear the misunderstandings; Eren retorts the rest of the world still views them as monsters and the Marley soldiers glare at their walls in contempt. He reaffirms his belief that to buy them time, Paradis Island needs to do something to ensure there is no interference.

Armin talks to Annie


Back in the present, the airship returns back to Paradis Island and the survivors prepare to bury the deceased, including 莎夏·布勞斯. Meanwhile, the Military Police transfer Gabi and Falco into custody. All those present share sorrowful looks, except for Eren who merely walks away. Armin admits that, despite intending to understand Eren more than anyone else (even Mikasa), he does not truly know Eren anymore. Both sides have now suffered the same fate; total destruction by an enemy force attacking their homeland and countless deaths. Knowing that Marley will retaliate soon, Armin admits their path to reconciliation has been cut off despite not having any other choice. He looks up at the unknown person and it is shown to be 亞妮·雷恩哈特, still encased within her hardened crystal. Armin begs Annie to respond in some way.

Outside, Zeke bemusedly states to Levi that the citizens of Paradis Island are calling it a victory despite not knowing anything. Levi merely states to Zeke that he will send Zeke back to Marley in pieces and is content to wait until his secret plan goes into effect. Zeke gives his thanks and asks if he is going to see Eren soon, noting that Levi is still glaring at him. Mikasa leans on a tombstone, looking to the future, noting that Paradis Island and the Eldians will survive if they fight. In a separate location, Eren washes himself while echoing the same statement, resolving to fight and fight some more in order to win.


