
Quote1 沒人能想到今天會有比城牆還高的巨人來攻擊。這情景可能就像那天我們看到的一樣。但有一個很大的不同,就是在城牆上有士兵來面對巨人,那就是我們。 Quote2
— 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特在他和艾連·葉卡準備守衛Orvud District


劇情大要[ | ]

The Orvud District Garrison 准备防御羅德·雷斯的巨人,但是他们的大炮对其无效,因此調查兵團准备了后备战略。 他们用绳索和网造了一个巨大的麻袋,里面装满了火药桶。 漢吉·佐耶还准备了两辆装有火药并配备 ODM 触发器的推车,以便在发射时将它们射入目标。

当巨人到达城墙时,它把手放在墙上,将自己拉直, scattering the Garrison, which falls back. 它的脸在拖着自己的时候被地面刮掉了。调查兵团接管了城墙的防御,将装满火药的手推车射入巨人的手中,导致巨人爆炸,使其失去控制。泰坦倒在城墙上,艾連·葉卡以他的巨人形态向前冲锋,将一袋火药推入它张开的嘴里。 这导致巨人爆炸,希斯特莉亞·雷斯切掉巨人的大块含有后颈的肉,从而杀死了她的父亲。她降落在下面的马车上,让附近的市民感到震惊,他们问她是否是拯救他们的人。希斯特莉亞站起来宣布自己是城墙的真正统治者。

摘要[ | ]

羅德·雷斯的巨人 drags itself towards Orvud District, Carsten, the captain in charge of the local Garrison panics and asks 艾爾文·史密斯 why he will not evacuate Orvud's citizens. 漢吉·佐耶 explains that the Titan is Abnormal and drawn to high concentrations of people. It will ignore a small village in favor of a highly fortified city, and that if they were to evacuate Orvud, then the Titan would change its heading to follow them, which would eventually lead it to the greatest density of people in Mitras. That would be a devastating blow for humanity.

Eren tries to control Rod's Titan


漢吉·佐耶解释说,艾連·葉卡在前往 Orvud District 时曾试图像以前那样控制巨人,单这次却没有任何反应。 艾爾文·史密斯 uses this to justify why they must make their stand here and use Orvud's citizens as bait. However, he acknowledges that they must protect civilians and they will take measures to save them should the 調查兵團 fail. They will have the citizens participate in an emergency evacuation drill so everyone will be ready to leave at a moment's notice. Reluctant, Carsten agrees.


Rod's Titan ignores the cannons


On top of Wall Sina, Cartsen orders the first round of artillery fire at the gigantic Titan. The Titan emerges through it unscathed and the Garrison fires a second round of artillery from the ground at the base of the Wall. From on top of Wall Sina, Erwin and 里維·阿卡曼 note the general ineffectiveness of the cannons regardless of where they are being fired from. The Orvud Garrison consists of a mishmash of soldiers, whatever cannons they could scrape together, and they possess superficial leadership. On top of that, they are in a northern region so they have no front line experience with Titans. Levi calls Erwin's strategy a gamble.

漢吉·佐耶带来了几桶火药、绳索和网。 She also has two carts loaded with gunpowder with the handles and triggers of omni-directional mobility gear strapped to either side. 扳机是固定的,因此一旦发射抓钩,它们就会像立体机动装置一样持续收绳。

Historia disagrees with Erwin


艾爾文·史密斯 sends 里維·阿卡曼, 約翰·基爾休坦, 莎夏·布勞斯, and 柯尼·史普林格 to the other end of the Wall and walks over to where the rest of 里維班 is helping 漢吉·佐耶 with the barrels and netting. 他发现希斯特莉亞并且提醒她,如果他们挺过这一关,她将成为女王。Thus, it would be a problem for her to remain on the Walls. 希斯特莉亞不同意并问他是否认为人们会屈服于傀儡王。

当她向艾爾文·史密斯解释她的计划时,艾連·葉卡看着她, marveling at how far she has come. He used to think she was weak, but realizes that he was wrong and that he was the one who was weak. Eren had come to think of himself as special, and that it was natural that other soldiers died for him. He did not even think about what it meant becoming a Titan, even though he hated them so much. Eren wonders where he should go from here. Even if he plugs up the hole in Wall Maria, will that be enough to save humanity? He feels sorry for humanity having to rely on him as its trump card.

Eren looks down into Orvud

Eren 看向 Orvud District

Eren looks down into the city at a group of kids below and remarks on how they remind him of himself and his friends on that day when the Colossal Titan appeared. 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特 agrees, but reminds Eren that there is a difference this time. Now there are soldiers who stand on the Wall to face the Titan, and they are those soldiers. Eren turns and watches 米卡莎·阿卡曼 stack barrels of gunpowder at Hange's direction, and remembers how they tried to free their mother from the rubble before the Titan came.

三笠告诉艾連继续前进,因为他们的时间不多了。艾連·葉卡 realizes the mental state he has put himself in and punches himself repeatedly to knock himself out of it. 三笠 and 阿爾敏 are immediately concerned about his well-being, but Eren dismisses it as a need to beat a useless brat.

与此同时,驻军准备在即将到达的巨人的颈背上再发射一轮火炮,巨人几乎已经到达了城墙。Though they riddle its head and upper body with holes, the wind changes, causing all the hot air billowing off the Titan's body to wash over the defenders on top of Wall Sina. The Garrison soldiers are no longer able to see and fire blindly straight down at the Titan below.

Rod's Titan looming over the Wall

Rod Reiss's Titan looms over the Wall

泰坦的双手向上伸直,落在了城墙之上。 它的脸和腹部已经被它在地上拖过的所有东西都刮掉了,它的内脏溅到了墙的顶部,把下面的士兵四散开来。恐慌笼罩了整个城市, as Orvud's citizens see the Titan and flee for safety.

Cartsen 命令他的士兵撤退,并感叹他长大的城市注定要失陷。 Levi 拍了拍他的肩膀,让他往后站。 The Scouts will handle it from here. Jean, 莎夏·布勞斯, and Conny 用水浸泡身体以帮助抵御高温。在城墙的另一边,艾伦变成了他的巨人形态,阿爾敏、三笠和与他们一起的士兵同样将水桶扔到了他们的头上。阿爾敏宣布他们可以出发了。

阿爾敏莎夏·布勞斯都推出了装满火药的手推车,而艾爾文·史密斯发射信号弹宣布他们的攻击开始。阿爾敏和 Sasha 发射抓钩,扳机将推车和随附的火药桶卷入巨人的手中,由于其身体的热量,它们在那里爆炸。这导致巨大的泰坦失去抓地力并向前倾斜,因此它的头刚好靠在墙的上方。

Eren throws gunpowder into Rod's Titan

Eren throws gunpowder into the Titan's mouth


在埃尔文的命令下, the Scouts使用他们的立体机动装置跳到空中,并通过切割可能是颈背的肉块来完成罗德赖斯的巨人。Historia 就在这些士兵中。之前她跟埃尔文说过,她终于明白自己要履行的职责了。埃尔文虽然不同意,但还是勉强承认自己无法阻止她。

Historia kills her father

Historia 杀死她的父亲



Kenny rests against a tree

Kenny rests against a tree

夕阳西下,离地下教堂不远处, 受了重伤的肯尼·阿卡曼从废墟中走出来。 Kenny remembers when he first met the people in his life; Uri, Levi, 傑爾·薩內斯, and 特勞特・卡芬. He removes his Anti-Personnel ODM and slumps against a nearby tree, wheezing for breath. To his annoyance, Levi is the one who finds him there and he informs Kenny that all of his comrades were crushed in the cave-in. 肯尼似乎是唯一的幸存者。


可透露訊息[ | ]



羅德·雷斯的巨人形态[ | ]

羅德·雷斯摄入巨人化药物变化的样貌。 拥有超越超大型巨人的体型和与其相似的喷发高热蒸气的能力。因体态与重量无法站立行走。

依序登場角色[ | ]

  1. 艾連·葉卡/进击的巨人 (recap)
  2. 希斯特莉亞·雷斯 (recap)
  3. 米卡莎·阿卡曼 (recap)
  4. 柯尼·史普林格 (recap)
  5. 里維·阿卡曼 (recap)
  6. 約翰·基爾休坦 (recap)
  7. 羅德·雷斯 (recap, killed)
  8. 莎夏·布勞斯 (recap)
  9. 莫布里特·柏納 (recap)
  10. 漢吉·佐耶 (recap)
  11. 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特 (recap)
  12. 艾爾文·史密斯 (recap)
  13. Carsten (recap)
  14. 貝爾托特·胡佛/超大型巨人 (回憶)
  15. Smiling Titan (回憶)
  16. 卡露拉·葉卡 (回憶)
  17. Rod and Uri's father (回憶)
  18. 烏利·雷斯(回憶)
  19. Alma (回憶)
  20. 芙莉妲·雷斯 (回憶)
  21. 肯尼·阿卡曼
  22. 傑爾·薩內斯 (回憶)
  23. 特勞特・卡芬 (回憶)

導航[ | ]
