
《進擊的巨人》電視動畫第38話,名稱為狼煙'(狼煙、Smoke Signal)

劇情大要[ | ]

羅塞之牆內的一個房子中,前十名的成員和阿爾敏很驚訝他們被納入了里維班. 艾連則被安排進行巨人型熊的試驗,但一直無法成功達成硬質化。漢吉則帶來了尼克神父被殺的不幸消息。回憶中,他是被 憲兵團的成員所殺,死前還被拔指甲強迫逼供。之後,在艾爾文提供的消息之下,成員離開了小屋,幸好因此沒被憲兵團派出的人逮捕。


摘要[ | ]

Somewhere, 艾連·葉卡 looks out over the sea as gulls fly overhead. His hair has gotten long and shaggy, and he reflects on how he has always wondered what was beyond it.

Levi Squad in the middle of shenanigans

The new squad bonds in the cabin

In the present day, Eren and the remaining top ten members of the 104th Cadet Corps and 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特 settle into a remote rural cabin. They bicker over cleaning, 莎夏·布勞斯 stealing food, and 米卡莎·阿卡曼 working out so soon after having been grabbed by a Titan. It reminds them of their time together in the Cadet Corps, but times have changed. The group of them have been organized into the new Levi Squad to protect Eren and 希斯特莉亞·雷斯.

As new squad confronts Sasha to get her to put back the stolen bread, 里維 arrives and swipes his hand underneath the table. He notes with disappointment that they should have had enough time, but postpones that discussion for later. Instead he takes the squad out to work on Hange Zoë's experiment regarding Eren's powers.

The experiment goes poorly, with Eren exhibiting increasingly less control over his transformations, to the point his Titan no longer appears at its full size and has lost significant muscle mass. Additionally, most of Eren's body is hanging out the back of the nape.

Hange tries to pull Eren out of his Titan

Hange tries to pull Eren out of his Titan

When he does not respond to Hange's shouts, Mikasa jumps off her horse and runs up to him with her blades drawn. Hange also comes down to Eren and tries pulling his body from his Titan. Eren's face has withered away to Hange's excitement and she asks 莫布里特·柏納 to make a sketch. Mikasa cuts him free though, giving Hange another look at him, and she apologizes, realizing that she had gotten carried away.

Seeing Eren in this state, the Scouts conclude that they are a long way from using his hardening ability to seal Wall Maria. Hange announces that the experiment is done and 凱吉 informs the Scouts to make sure there are no witnesses. However, in the distance, two people are watching the smoke from Eren's transformation.

That evening in 托洛斯特區, 艾爾文·史密斯 reads the report Levi has brought regarding Hange's failed experiment. Levi believes the problem is that they lack information about the hardening ability. He wonders if they could get the information they need through Historia. Erwin says he looked into her background and she is the illegitimate daughter of Lord Reiss, but the real mystery is why a regional lord like him would know the secrets of the Wall.

Conny realizes his emotions are getting the better of him

Conny realizes his emotions are getting the better of him

After sleeping for a full day, Eren comes into the kitchen of the cabin to help his fellow squad members prepare food. He is disappointed that the plan to repair the Wall has been shelved because of him. 柯尼·史普林格 admits that all he cares about now is getting a chance to fight the 野獸巨人. Realizing that he is getting caught up in his anger and the memory of his mother being transformed into a Titan, Conny says it is about time to change the lookouts and leaves with Mikasa.

Historia comments that it is nice that Eren and the others have goals, even if they are not easy ones. Now that 尤米爾 is gone she no longer knows what she wants. At first she wanted to save her, but then she realized that Ymir leaving was her own choice, and she has no right to change that. Eren is glad that Historia has started speaking again, but she apologizes that the good-girl Christa that everyone knew no longer exists. However, Eren admits that he never liked her previous self, because it felt forced and unnatural. Now she is like a normal, honest girl. As he also remembers Ymir, a memory of her and 貝爾托特·胡佛 comes back to him.

Eren and Historia are called to join everyone else, and Hange goes over the death of Pastor Nick. He was tortured and then killed earlier this morning in the Trost District barracks by the First Interior Squad of the Military Police Regiment, a group that normally operates in the capital. Hange was not able to get more than a glimpse of the body, but it was enough to see that all his fingernails had been torn out. From this Levi is able to conclude that Nick had not talked before being killed, which means the Military Police does not know the Scouts are looking into the Reiss family.

The Scouts after abandoning their cabin

The Scouts abandon the cabin

妮法 arrives with a message from Erwin. On reading it, Levi orders everyone to move out, and to leave no trace that they were here. By sunset, the cabin is swarmed by Military Police, but Levi and Hange's squads are already outside in the woods. Levi reveals that the government has frozen all Scout activity outside of the Wall and demanded that Eren and Historia be handed over. Nifa adds that after she received the message from Erwin, the Military Police came to arrest him.

Levi decides to take everyone to Trost District, because it would be safer than the interior and they can use omni-directional mobility gear in the city. Hange decides that she and Moblit will go after Erwin, but she leaves Abel, Keiji, and Nifa behind to assist Levi. Before she climbs on her horse, Eren hands her a note covering the conversation he remembered between Ymir and Bertholdt.

The next day in Trost District, Conny notices that the royal family's flag is hanging everywhere due to the anniversary of the King's coronation. The Military Police takes the opportunity to distributes rations from the royal family's reserves to the population of Trost and build public favor of the King. This is a calculated move by the King and his court. Lord Reiss tells the other advisors assembled that the more important thing for them is to obtain the power and the vessel. They already have a plan in motion.

Mikasa warns Levi about Armin's disguise

Mikasa warns Levi that Armin's disguise is not going to last

Meanwhile, a wagon barrels through Levi and the Scouts with him. The people inside grab what appears to be Eren and Historia, but they are really 約翰·基爾休坦 and Armin in disguise, while Eren and Historia are being transported in a different, enclosed wagon by Keiji. Levi and his squad chase after the kidnappers. Due to one of them molesting Armin, Mikasa warns Levi that their disguises are not going to last. Noting that the kidnappers appear to be amateurs, he leaves the situation in his squad's hands while he goes to Eren.

As the lead kidnapper and his henchmen enter the warehouse where Jean and Armin are being held, they notice the guard is missing. Mikasa and the rest of the squad, including Jean and Armin, who have already been freed, attack the remaining kidnappers. The kidnappers are quickly restrained and Mikasa informs the rest of the squad that after tying them up they are to meet with Levi.

Elsewhere, Levi joins Nifa on a rooftop where they have a good view of Keiji's journey through the city with Eren and Historia. However, even though the body double decoy was a success, Levi realizes that using such amateurs does not feel like a Military Police operation. He asks Nifa if she has heard of Kenny the Ripper and assures her that the legendary mass murderer is a real person. Levi grew up with him, and this operation feels like something Kenny would do.

Levi confronts Kenny

Levi confronts Kenny

He realizes too late, that in Kenny's place, he would have two groups tailing the wagon from the rear, from a high place with a view, just like where they are now. Levi tries to warn Nifa, but is too late as Kenny blows off part of her head using ODM that has been modified to carry a shotgun instead of a blade. More soldiers appear, of a unit that has not been seen before, and one of them kills Abel. Kenny taunts Levi as he stalks up the rooftop and reloads his guns, and Levi screams as he draws his blades to retaliate.

可透露訊息[ | ]

巨人的身體[ | ]


每個巨人的身體大小都不一樣,但他們的弱點都是頸部大約110公分長度的位置,與人的頭腦到脊椎的長度類似 When severed, this area ruins a Titan's regenerative ability and results in their destruction. It is thought that this vital organ, the source of their being, is none other than a human inside.

依序登場角色[ | ]

  1. 艾連·葉卡/艾連變成的巨人
  2. 莎夏·布勞斯
  3. 約翰·基爾休坦
  4. 阿爾敏·亞魯雷特
  5. 柯尼·史普林格
  6. 希斯特莉亞·雷斯
  7. 米卡莎·阿卡曼
  8. 里維
  9. 漢吉·佐耶
  10. 莫布里特·柏納
  11. 凱吉
  12. 肯尼·阿卡曼
  13. 特勞特・卡芬
  14. 尼克 (回憶,死亡)
  15. 艾爾文·史密斯
  16. 吉克/野獸巨人 (回憶)
  17. 柯尼的母親 (回憶)
  18. 尤米爾/尤米爾的巨人 (回憶)
  19. 貝爾托特·胡佛 (回憶)
  20. Abel (死亡)
  21. 拉爾夫 (回憶)
  22. 傑爾・薩內斯 (回憶)
  23. 妮法 (死亡)
  24. 奈爾·德克 (回憶)
  25. 霍爾茲 (回憶)
  26. 弗利茲王
  27. 羅德·雷斯
  28. Aurille
  29. Guarald
  30. 迪墨·利布斯
  31. 弗雷格爾·利布斯

導航[ | ]
